To create a time entry, click Timesheets from the Task pane, then click + Add Entry

On the window that pops-up, enter the following information:

  • Project - Automatically populated with the project you are assigned to. (If you are assigned to multiple projects, select the corresponding project from the drop down list)

  • Category - select from the following:

  • Billable
    • Billable - BAU - tasks when the project is already in Business as Usual (BAU)
    • Billable - Dev - tasks related to technology development projects
    • Billable - Mobilisation - tasks related to mobilisation or business transition
  • Non-Billable
    • Admin Tasks - any administrative tasks such as filing, reading emails, organizing his/her own workspace
    • Break - authorized breaks based on his/her schedule
    • Idle - any idle time where nothing is being done
  • Task - Select from the dropdown. Enter only if the timesheet entry is for a Billable Task, keep it blank for Non-billable tasks

  • Notes - Enter the details of the activity done

There are multiple two ways to do time entry, 1st is the Manual Timesheet entry, while 2nd is the Activity Timer

Manual Timesheet Entry

On the right hand side of the notes, enter the actual time spent for the task in hh:mm format. 

Once entered, the Start Timer button will change to Save Entry

Note: Only do this method if the activity was already done. 

Activity Timer

Should a timer be preferred for timesheeting, keep the field on the right hand side of the Notes as blank, then click Start Timer.

To end the timer, click either the timer on the upper right corner of the screen or the blue button on the right side of the timesheet entry.

Upon clicking, the timesheet entry will be captured.

Timesheet Guidelines

  1. Timesheet entry for the days should always be equal or not less than to 8 hours.  All activities should be accounted for, regardless if it’s billable or not. 

  2. Missed timesheet entries can still be backtracked. There’s a 1 week allowance for timesheet correction just in case anything is missed by the employee.

  3. Timesheeting should not be mistaken for Timekeeping. Timekeeping records the daily attendance   while Timesheeting records the activities performed during the day.

  4. For Billable Tasks, the Task field in the Timesheet entry is a required field.

  5. All timesheets are subject for approval of the designated Timesheet approver per Tribe.

  6. Creating a time entry does not automatically update the task. If there’s any update / comment to be posted in the task, it should be done separately.