Select the project then click +Add Task

On the window that pops up, enter the following details:

  • Project: Automatically populated if the Task is created within the Project

  • Task Type: Select whether its a:

    • Task

    • Bug

    • Opportunity

    • Process Mapping

  • Section: Select the specific Section to which the task belongs. If a Section is not yet created, click Create new Section.

  • Assigned To: select the assigned user. 

    • Ensure that the notify box is ticked, as it will automatically send an email to the assigned user.

  • Title: Enter the title of the Task to be created. It should be brief yet concise to describe the activity

  • Description: Enter the details of the tasks. Note: Images or workflows can be attached to this part of the form

  • Start Date: Enter the commencement date of the task

  • Due Date: Enter the target end date of the task

  • Priority: Set a priority whether:

    • Low

    • Medium

    • High

    • Urgent

  • Estimated Hours: Enter the total estimated hours to accomplish the task

  • Crate Resource Schedule booking for this task: For client-related and qualified internal project tasks, tick this checkbox to automatically allocate this activity to the assigned resource

Once everything is in order, click Save. The task will appear under the nominated Section.